Biography of Jim Helfter
800 373-5971
Advanced Biological Concepts® International
All images and content Copyright© 2006-2010 by Advanced Biological Concepts®
Jim Helfter, a former aerospace researcher for Bendix Aviation
Corporation in Davenport, IA, had become concerned about the
widespread use of antibiotics in animals. Jim spent a lot of time studying
animals (in relation to interplanetary travel), and he wasn’t so sure
injecting animals with antibiotics and hormones to treat the symptom or
to make livestock grow faster was a good idea for the future.
As a result, Jim, the founder, owner, and CEO of Advanced Biological
Concepts and Helfter Feeds, Inc., has been dedicated for over 43 years
in providing producers with nutritional technology to achieve maximum
animal health for the production of drug and hormone free meat and
milk. Jim believes that animal health problems are due to nutritional
deficiencies from single source diets and related environmental
conditions such as confinement. It is his and the corporation’s mission
to, “Improve the quality of life for mankind by improving the quality of life
for animals through natural nutrition.”
Jim, Advanced Biological Concepts and Helfter Feeds are all names
known worldwide.
Advanced Biological Concepts produces natural feed supplements and
nutritional additives for horses. Advanced Biological Concepts focuses
on the cause of a disease or problem, not the symptom. No use of
antibiotics or mega doses of a single nutrient is used to enhance equine
performance or health.
Helfter Feeds, Inc. is the first organic company certified under the
USDA/National Organic Program. Helfter Feeds, Inc. offers a complete
line of certified USDA/NOP organic livestock products and custom
formulates based on the customers needs and conditions.